Ode to a Mother in September

The kids went back to school. Every night lately, I think about all I will accomplish every day.

Oh yes, I can see it clearly. I shall rise BEFORE the children wake so I can prepare them a nutritious, hot, healthy breakfast. Naturally, I will get a couple of loads of laundry done simultaneously. Magically, I will be showered and coiffed before any of this occurs. Once the lads have scampered off to school with their homework done to perfection and hair combed a la “the Beav,” I will toss my apron aside.

Naturally, three days a week, I will faithfully go to the gym in the morning. After that, I will don my casual slacks and Northern Reflections shirt with quilted vest and tackle my domestic errands for the day. From 1-3 daily, I will sit focussed and write comedy material, keeping it perfectly catalogued and organized at all times. Email, texts and Facebook will not distract me in the least. I am disciplined and mature and have little time for such dalliances during my career-driven Creative Time.

Energized and feeilng my chakras have aligned from the quality writing time, I shall allow myself some computer time. My surfing will be dominated by recipe sites, obviously, as the dinner hour approaches. All dinners will be made from scratch from organic ingredients with all food groups represented lovingly. Things will be garnished.

On my days off from the gym, I will do soul-filling volunteer work with children and the elderly when I am not researching and documenting the family tree for generations to come and getting a head start on Christmas shopping and trying to avoid run-on sentences.

* The above has never occurred, yet it remains a recurring daydream in my head brought to the fore every September.