LOSING LORI #31 – February 27, 2013

Oh hey, nice person.


No reason. I just love this.

So good to see you again. If I haven’t thanked you for reading/commenting/supporting/encouraging/cheering me on lately, shame on me. I sincerely thank you.

That whole first major plateau thing really bummed me out. To be honest, I considered taking a break from Losing Lori more than a few times in the last few weeks. I felt like if I didn’t have a decent loss to report, or if I hadn’t been disciplined every day, I was failing. I seem to have forgotten to take into consideration that I’m a human. Whaaat? True story.

You’ll have to forgive me for a super short blog today. I kind of over scheduled myself this week and rather than try to force out a well-written, eloquent, witty synopsis of my week (which I’m not capable of at ALL right now haha), I’m giving myself a pass, i.e. being pretty damn sweet to myself. After all, it’s anti-bullying day.

I lost 3.1 pounds this week. I don’t know how. I ate everything in the world on Saturday. Rhyme nor reason always apply in this weight loss game, but I assure you, I’m celebrating.



Pounds lost this week: 3.1

Total pounds lost: 53.8