LOSING LORI #60 – December 18, 2013

ornamentHey, it’s me, the slacker! How y’all doin’?

First off, sorry for not blogging last week. I had a case of ‘burning the Lori at both ends.’ Wait, that sounds like some sort of coven meeting with me as the sacrifice. Well, in a way it was… I guess? Enough pseudo-blathering; suffice it to say I had a lot of fun (work?) to do.

That week was great for weight loss. I lost 1.8 pounds, and believe it or not, I think the ‘telling my body to let go of the weight’ plan has some creedence (Clearwater Revival). Stress keeps weight on, right? Yes. So I would try to remember to consciously tell me body to relax and let go as often as possible. Luckily, my bladder did not get the message by accident. But I could honestly feel myself release tension every time I said it to myself. And I did end up losing almost 2 pounds.


Jay, me & Leslie
The morning show at up! 97.7
I love these freaks

This past week, I forgot to say that as much, and had a gain of a pound. Goink! Yeah, there was a lot of stress but it was the good kind. The staff Christmas party at up! 97.7 was great fun and good stress! It’s weird showing up at a corporate Christmas party and not being the comedian. Well, Jay and I did emcee the entertainment portion, but that’s waaaaay less stress than making a bunch of bankers or oil tycoons laugh after their corporate speeches about how the marketing division didn’t perform well in the last quarter, they had to lay off 150 people and Todd from accounting is still in chemo for his testicular cancer. And now here’s your comedian, Larry Biggs (that’s me). Any comedian will tell you I am not exaggerating with this example. There have been way worse.

Oh, I got to meet the owner for the first time! I don’t think I was too terribly weird? He said, “I’ve heard you’re very smart,” and I responded, “Thank you, but I think you mean smartass.” That was good, right? [makes ‘I don’t understand corporate anything ever’ face]


I know I flogged this photo on Facebook but we only get dressed up annually, so deal with it.

Had a gig in Stettler Saturday which was a hoot and 3/4. I took my GD amazing friend Kim so she could be my fluffer and experience life on the road. Okay, well she claimed it was because her family lives there or whatever. Ha!  Actually her bro is the mayor of Stettler, so we got to sit with political royalty where in a delightful turn of events, they give you as many drink tickets as you want all night!

So, looking back, I’d say this 1 pound gain is comprised of melt-in-your-mouth chocolate balls from the Christmas party and endless mayoral vodkas in Stettler and maybe having a mozza burger at A&W on the way to Stettler which was total peer pressure because Kim and my comedian friend, Christophe, were appalled that I’d never tried one. So I had to. I’m a giver. Christophe was also surprised that I hadn’t tried a donut from The Donut Mill on Gasoline Alley in Red Deer, so again, had to. OMG, you have no idea how amazing they taste… my mouth is seriously full of drool right now thinking about them.

After all those confessions, it would seem a 1 pound gain was getting off lucky! Ha! But honestly, the rest of the week I ate healthy. Shut up! I did!

Next Wednesday is Christmas so not sure if I’ll be blogging. If I do, it’ll be from under a blanket made of Lindor chocolate and Baileys… I mean, ahem… I’ll be blogging from the treadmill after a breakfast of dried cranberries and spruce bark.1115271651536_n

I love you madly and wish you a heart full of warmth, joy, silliness and glee this Christmas.


 Total pounds lost: 60.3