Hi beauties! Believe it or not, I would be running back to Saskatoon if I wasn’t soaking up the hubby and kids really hard right now after being away. Why? Well, the whole Saskatchewan casino run was a beaut! Yeah, the roads were bad here and there, but the venues and hotels were grand! And everything is even sparklier when … Read More


Tomorrow, Jan. 5, three comediennes will converge in Regina, Saskatchewan and proceed to gig at four different venues on four nights. We are: Allyson Smith (, Karen O’Keefe ( and me! I’m fairly sure this is the first time I will be on the road with two other skirts, and I’m excited. Yes, it will be as glamorous as the … Read More

* W H O A ! *

I’m pumping in the Cold FX so I can be perky and un-snotty for New Year’s Eve in Cold Lake with Marcus Beaubier. In other news, ever since the full moon/Solstice/eclipse, negative and slightly off-balance people and events have been surrounding me. Odd. Must be a reminder to focus on the positive people, and man, oh man, am I happy … Read More

* J O C K O *

My friend, Jocko Alston, died suddenly three days ago from a heart attack. He was 44. He was a father, a gentleman, a comedian and a kind, positive man. Earlier this year, Jocko needed a lift to Calgary from Edmonton and posted the request on Facebook. Good luck! Karen O’Keefe and I were gigging in Stony Plain, so we picked … Read More


Lori Gibbs Rocks Your City! And I didn’t even have to ask them for the marketing campaign! Yay!


December 14: Lethbridge ABDecember 16-18: Calgary Yuk Yuks This afternoon, I’m heading to Lethbridge with my friend, Dan Guiry. The reunion of Meat & Potatoes! If you don’t know why we call ourselves that, it’s mostly a physical reference. It should be an excellent, silly time no matter how the show goes. My last shows before Christmas are this weekend … Read More

* C A Y A Y I N *

When my big bro and I were acting particularly out of control, I remember my Mom would say, “You kids, stop cayayin’ around!”  I just thought of that as I sit in my Edmonton hotel room listening to Jungle Love by The Time. No, there’s no connection. I’m being random, as the kids say. Anyhoo, I just spent an inordinate … Read More


A couple of weeks ago, I did a showcase for the Just For Laughs festival with a delightful and very talented gaggle of Albertan comics. I could tell you about it, or you could sit back and have a look: Hope you had a giggle or a snort. There are a few more videos here:


A couple of weeks ago, I did a showcase for the Just For Laughs festival with a delightful and very talented gaggle of Albertan comics. I could tell you about it, or you could sit back and have a look: Hope you had a giggle or a snort. There are a few more videos here:


Hi lovelies, I’ll be at the Edmonton Yuk Yuks this coming weekend: December 10-12, and at the Calgary Yuk Yuks December 16-18. If you’re in the area, shoot me a message and let me know you’re coming: [email protected]. In addition to jokes, I’ll be pushing Balls to the Wall and Tits to the Bricks shirts on you. Why? To save … Read More