LOSING LORI #40 – May 1, 2013

Breaking up is hard to do. I’ve been seeing this guy at least once a week for 9 months. He’s always there when I need him, right where I left him. But he effs with my head. Or rather, I allow him to eff with my head. Yeah, it’s the scale, and I’m not happy with how he’s affecting me … Read More

LOSING LORI #39 – April 24, 2013

Hello dearheart, I don’t feel witty or pithy (that’s not pissy with a lisp btw) this week. That 4.5 lb loss a couple of weeks ago seems to be mocking me and saying, “Juuuust kidding. Scale malfunction. Psych!” What I thought was a kickass start to my Diet Bet now seems like a nasty hoax. Last week I wrote about … Read More

LOSING LORI #38 – April 17, 2013

Hello, you! Good to see you. Sorry about the mess. It’s homey though, right? No, not horny. Homey, ya smart aleck. So, after my glittery, mind-blowing 4.5 lb loss last week, the scale almost immediately crept – nay, rocketed – upwards. Kudos to me for simply rolling my eyes and giving the scale the ‘oh-you-little-scamp’ look and walking away. I … Read More

LOSING LORI #37 – April 10, 2013

Bro, wassup dude? Wanna go lift? Come on in. Sorry if my neck gets in the way. I’ve been to the gym again so, in a nutshell… I’m ripped, bra. Facing the intimidation of the gym was rough and I didn’t do it alone. Thank you to Meg Brown, Fit Bitch, for meeting me at the gym for my first … Read More

LOSING LORI #36 – April 3, 2013

Hey sweet human! Come in, come in. Stop spitting on your finger and wiping my face. They’re freckles, not dirt. What’s that? Why yes, I did have a fine time in Maui. It was my first time in Hawaii, so I learned what I love and what I don’t. Helicopter trip – cool but nauseating. Luau – cheesy and too … Read More

LOSING LORI #35 – March 27, 2013

Aloha, pals of mine! I’m writing from Maui. I understand it’s been a long winter, so if you have any impulse to slap me for being here, I do understand and prefer you do it on my arse. Thank you. My will to eat healthy has been having an all-out battle with my will to ‘let it all go because … Read More

LOSING LORI #34 – March 20, 2013

Good morning, sparkly! I’m writing this hurriedly this morning because when I could’ve been writing in the last couple of days, I chose to do other things. Did I just whap you in the face with my raw honesty? Yeah. Let me kiss that better. Biggest news of the week – I WENT TO THE GD GYM! I met Meg … Read More

LOSING LORI #33 – March 13, 2013

Hi! Where have you been and why are you not carrying snacks? Okay, I’m watching the Bachelor finale right now. I PVR’d it because they drag things out. I’ve fast-forwarded a good portion of it; you know, the dude saying repeatedly, “I truly don’t know who I’m going to choose,” even though it’s 4 minutes til he proposes marriage. I’m … Read More

LOSING LORI #32 – March 6, 2013

Agh! I’m so excited you’re here. Just drop your coat there. You know I don’t believe in hanging things up. Last week I received an email from Meg Brown, aka Fit Bitch, aka FUELEDfitness. Here are the highlights: “I’m writing you because I know you’re on a weight loss journey and well, that’s kind of my specialty. I am not … Read More

LOSING LORI #31 – February 27, 2013

Oh hey, nice person. So good to see you again. If I haven’t thanked you for reading/commenting/supporting/encouraging/cheering me on lately, shame on me. I sincerely thank you. That whole first major plateau thing really bummed me out. To be honest, I considered taking a break from Losing Lori more than a few times in the last few weeks. I felt … Read More