LOSING LORI #30 – February 20, 2013

Hello, you! Get yourself in here. When did you start wearing overalls? Hmm… Hey, remember that time I said I’d go for a walk every day to try to kick this plateau’s arse? Ahaha! Wasn’t that a funny joke? Ha! Ha? Haaaa…. Okay, it’s not as awful as all that. The first day, I walked for 15 minutes. This was … Read More

LOSING LORI #29 – February 13, 2013

Hey sunshine-pants, get in here. Man, do I ever feel like a stalled Edsel these days when it comes to weight loss. Maybe it’s my body getting used to doing radio and comedy and not getting enough sleep. But hell, I can take responsibility too. The green room at Yuks this weekend was stocked with a plethora of delicious snacks … Read More

LOSING LORI #28 – February 6, 2013

Well, hello you sparkly, positive, silky-haired human! Okay, big realization here. I underestimated the effects of starting a Monday to Friday job after 17 years of not having one. Permit me to get defensive for no particular reason now. I haven’t been on my chaise lounge in a satin day robe wearing kitten heels sampling Bernard Callebaut chockies with well-manicured … Read More

LOSING LORI #27 – January 30, 2013

Hello supple beauties of the world, I approach Weigh-In Wednesday with mild nervousness this week. As usual, I had a sneak peek at the scale this morning. Most times it’s a fairly accurate indication of the number that’ll pop up the following day. If that’s the case, I gained 5 pounds this week. COME on! By now, you know I’m … Read More

LOSING LORI #26 – January 23, 2013

Hello fine people! Come in. You look good. No, I did not just slap your behind. It’s been two days working on The Show at X929 now. Two days of the alarm going off at 4:30 am. Two days of loving it. I haven’t worked in a ‘regular’ job for years – ‘regular’ meaning there is structure, forms to fill … Read More

LOSING LORI #25 – January 16, 2013

Hello again, you stunning, supportive human, you. Right now, I’m snuggled in my cozy couch corner in what feels like a slightly narcotic fog. Technically, there are no narcotics in my system. I’m in this high, floaty place because of my new job. Next Monday, January 21, I will join The Show on X929 – Calgary’s New Rock Alternative – … Read More

LOSING LORI #24 – January 9, 2013

Hello lovely friend with whom I would like to laugh so hard that we shove each other into a hedge, I’m writing this yesterday morning. Yeah, in the past. Tell me, how is life in the future? Have I entered my alcohol/meth entertainer phase yet? Did I lose so much weight that my jutting, bony clavicle was charged for homicide? … Read More

LOSING LORI #23 – January 2, 2013

Happy new year, you stunnin’ son of a gun, you! WHAT ABOUT BILL? You may have read the blog last week and heard about ‘Bill,’ who turned up unexpectedly at our house on Christmas night. If you didn’t read it, this will make no sense. Bill left a bag with his pajamas in it that I wanted to return. Neither … Read More

LOSING LORI #22 – December 26, 2012

I had a blog post all ready for this morning and then this happened: 92 minutes ago, at 3:00 a.m. on the dot, we woke up to knocking on our front door and the doorbell ringing. My hubby scrambled to find a robe and rushed down the stairs while I sat upright in bed listening. I heard a low voice … Read More

LOSING LORI #21 – December 19, 2012

Well hello, you sweet stack of shortbread! So, huge news. I tried a completely different new way of eating this week. Sure, watching sugar, fat and carbs has been pragmatic, intelligent and effective, but I yearned to blaze a new weight-loss trail; to truly commemorate my place in the history of good eating. What you do is, you start everyday … Read More