LOSING LORI #10 – October 3, 2012

What is up, HOMIES!?!? Here, have a coffee. Do you want something to eat? I have dried mangoes, generic brand kidney beans and some freezer-burnt meat. Mmm, casserole. Pardon my flitting about. I’ve just had a solid week of comedy and most of my AB+ blood (yeah, I AM special) has been replaced with adrenaline. I’m trying to keep the … Read More

LOSING LORI #9 – September 26, 2012

Welcome! Glad you could stop by. Hey, could I ask you something? Thanks. Have I gone crazy? Whoa, enough with the smirk. I shouldn’t have set you up like that. Here’s the thing… I’m writing this on Monday morning. The number on the scale isn’t moving.  This is disturbing. I’m very disciplined about my caloric intake and believe me, I … Read More

LOSING LORI #8 – September 19, 2012

Hey, sillypants! C’mon in. I have to be honest with you. I’m having a hard time getting today’s blog started. I’ll confess why. I had a sneak peek at the scale 2 days ago. I hadn’t lost anything. So I drank a lake’s worth of water thinking, logically or not, that a rushing waterfall through my body would swoosh out … Read More

LOSING LORI #7 – September 12, 2012

Heeey! Come in, come in. You look good. Stop getting Botox. Oh wow, I just remembered I had a dream last night. I was offered Botox and I said no. Phew, smart even my dreams, baby! Of course, had it been a dream about a breast lift or tummy tuck, I may have violently tackled everyone in line ahead of … Read More

LOSING LORI #6 – September 5, 2012

Hi! Get in here. Did you bring cake? WHAT? Okay, I’m sure you have a good reason. You brought beef dip with fries and gravy so we could save the cake for dessert? Brilliant! High five! WHAT? No beef dip. Okay, wow. I am onto you. You want to take me out for a Blizzard. Whee hee! Let’s DO this … Read More

LOSING LORI #5A – September 1, 2012

It took a very long time to work up the chutzpah to lose weight again. I had been a 3-time loser at Weight Watchers years ago and each time I gained back the weight plus more. It’s a very common story. And one I don’t care to repeat. When I worked at a computer company, and I mean circa ’89 … Read More

LOSING LORI #5 – August 29, 2012

Oh hey, so good to see you again. How’s your week been? Did you get to the farmer’s market? Did you sort out that cell phone bill? Is the rash gone? Well, two out of three ain’t bad. Let’s go sit outside and pretend it’s late June instead of late August. Here’s a mint julep. What’s that? You’ve been losing … Read More

LOSING LORI #4A – August 23, 2012

I’ve done myself a disservice today. Quite frankly, I don’t know if I’ll post this once it’s done. After the lighthearted attention seeking I’ve been encouraging for the last couple of days, this may seem like a pathetic attempt for sympathy, which is not my intent. For a while, I’ve been tossing around the idea of doing a mid-week blog … Read More

LOSING LORI #4 – August 22, 2012

Oh, hi! Can you let yourself in? I’m not sure you noticed my constant Facebook attention seeking yesterday, but I just had surgery. Did you just audibly gasp, gently push the hair from my face and fuss over me? Perfection! Just what I wanted. As transparent as my need for post-op company is, I shall not apologize for it. I … Read More


Friend: “Our family went mountain climbing on the weekend. Gorgeous. So much fun. But I felt guilty when we got home because I only climbed halfway up.” Me: “So… wait. How long were you mountain climbing?” Friend: “I guess about 3.5 hours.” My friend, who is a passionate, talented, loving, driven, compassionate, successful and deep woman, was kicking her own … Read More