LOSING LORI #5 – August 29, 2012

Oh hey, so good to see you again. How’s your week been? Did you get to the farmer’s market? Did you sort out that cell phone bill? Is the rash gone? Well, two out of three ain’t bad. Let’s go sit outside and pretend it’s late June instead of late August. Here’s a mint julep. What’s that? You’ve been losing … Read More

LOSING LORI #4A – August 23, 2012

I’ve done myself a disservice today. Quite frankly, I don’t know if I’ll post this once it’s done. After the lighthearted attention seeking I’ve been encouraging for the last couple of days, this may seem like a pathetic attempt for sympathy, which is not my intent. For a while, I’ve been tossing around the idea of doing a mid-week blog … Read More

LOSING LORI #4 – August 22, 2012

Oh, hi! Can you let yourself in? I’m not sure you noticed my constant Facebook attention seeking yesterday, but I just had surgery. Did you just audibly gasp, gently push the hair from my face and fuss over me? Perfection! Just what I wanted. As transparent as my need for post-op company is, I shall not apologize for it. I … Read More

LOSING LORI #3 – August 14, 2012

* Weighing in a day early as I’ll be without reliable Internet tomorrow. More importantly, I’ll be planting perennials because I am a GD gangsta. * Wassup, homies? Have I told you lately how kind it is of you to pop by? Well, it is. Someone out there popped in from New Mexico last week. I figure it was Jesse … Read More

LOSING LORI #2A – August 10, 2012

“Yo, Lori! [chest bump] Have you tried Titanium Tightass Yoga? It’s WICKED.” Um, no, but thank you for letting me know of its existence. Hi, I’m Lori. Nice to meet you. Sit down, please. You’re very kind to let me know about this exercise that clearly has benefited you. Being able to crack my filberts on your ass really saved … Read More

LOSING LORI #2 – August 8, 2012

Hey! Welcome to Week 2 of my 150 pound weight loss adventure. You’re a sweetheart to drop by. Seriously. Help yourself to sugar snap peas. Here’s some stuff I learned this past week: 1. I can go to a movie and not eat popcorn providing the movie is Magic Mike and I can sustain myself with my own saliva. 2. … Read More

LOSING LORI #1 – August 1, 2012

Hi pals, In the words of The Commodores, I’m a brick… house. I’m mighty-mighty, just letting it all hang out… partly because I refuse to fight into a Spanx, thankyouverymuch. Well, it’s time to trade in the bricks for wood or maybe straw. Naw, straw sounds like I’ll break a hip. Sheesh, enough beating around the belly… I’M GOING TO … Read More