* 9 D A Y S *

But I don’t wanna be a pirate! I feel like I’m getting ready for a wedding. I’m taping my Comedy Now! in 9 measly days. Yesterday, I dedicated the afternoon to finding the perfect shoes. I came home with a rhinestone bracelet and ring. I am not good at this. However, it did occur to me while I was shoe … Read More

* ( L E G A L L Y ) * H I G H !

I’m fairly naive about drugs. That’s not to say I didn’t find Perocet to be downright heavenly when I had gall bladder attacks. Last week, a comedian friend of mine was talking to an audience member who liked his show. To show his appreciation, audience guy gave the comedian cocaine. Cocaine?! I held it in my hand and felt uncomfortable, … Read More

* Y E E E E E E *

Hi beautiful humans, If you happen to be in Calgary on the first Wednesday of a month, do yourself a sweet favour and go see a Kaboom! Hooray show. I joined the Kaboom family on their 4th show last night. From Big Al’s pre-show pep talk to the free candy to the red devil paint smeared on my elbow to … Read More

* R E A P I N G * (not a typo, freak)

Hi love-filled humans, Uh, I’m not disciplined/adult enough to keep a gratitude journal. I think it’s a grand idea, but I’m lazy… except for today. Things that kick ass in my life right now: * CBC emailed and asked me to do an episode of The Debaters. Holy crap.* Our fam vacation in Christina Lake was amazing and I want … Read More

* G R A B * B A G *

Wait! No. Don’t grab someone’s bag [see title]. Unless it’s hilarious. I can either write a proper blog or do this. I vote ‘this’*: 1. Summer is grand. Perhaps the contrast of climbing out of a black depression** in June makes it an even better summer. More gratitude. Less hermitude.2. My boys are cool human beings. I love hearing their … Read More

* B R E A T H I N G *

Iliza & me somewhere amongst our collective hair It’s been way too long! I missed you. You look tanned… or tan. I’ve never figured out which one is correct, but I say tanned as if you’re a supple pelt of fine Corinthian leather. Leather comes in pelts. Didn’t you know? Comedy slows down in the summer, and I’ve let myself … Read More

* M I L E S T O N E *

Hi lovebugs, This weekend, I’ll be headlining the Calgary Yuk Yuks for the first time. People have asked me how it feels. Well, it feels like any other gig… wonderful, heady, fun, exciting. But I get what they mean. It is a milestone. It will be an excellent scrapbook entry, I assure you. And I’d very much love for you … Read More

* C O M E D Y * N O W ! *

On April 11 at 4:32 p.m. (I checked the call display), as I was making Coq au Vin (chicken with red wine; much classier than what I usually throw together for supper) for the fam, the phone rang. As it was almost the dinner hour, and I didn’t recognize the phone number, I assumed it was a phone solicitor and … Read More


“Yeah, I can be myself here in this small town And people let me be just what I want to be.” – Small Town, John Cougar Mellencamp Hello dear fellow humans, I was reminded of the joy of performing comedy last night at a fundraiser in a small Albertan town. Working at comedy clubs is a hoot. People have paid … Read More

* C H O R T L E *

Hi! You look nice. I think the sunshine is agreeing with you. I had a nice little surprise today. A while back, I wrote an article for the Calgary Beacon entitled “Never Say This to a Comedian.” I sent it to www.chortle.co.uk as well just for the fun of it and was delighted when they published it. Today, they advised … Read More