Hello loveheads,Tomorrow (Wednesday, January 26th) is the first Red Carpet Comedy of 2011. Red Carpet is a great room run by my hilarious and super-hardworking friend, Donovan Deschner. It’s all pro comedians trying all-new material. I think it gives the audience a cool, unique look at the creation of material, and it’s nice as a performer to feel that “Oh, … Read More

A Poem

8-hour drives. Redneck bars. Drunk hecklers.Dilapidated motels. Shitty money. Dinner at 7-11.Stained bedspreads. Constant judgement.Cordless fucking mike with dying batteries.No benefits. No retirement plan.Rejection. Rejection. Rejection.Hours from home, sweet home. Alone.Frozen cars, black ice, white-outs.Dead-eyed corporates.BJ Woodbury, Stan Thomson, Stu-fucking-Hughes. And we love it.We LOVE it. Do you get that the chance to hear you laugh is worth all of … Read More

* In Honour of Jocko Alston and his Family *

This Saturday, January 15 at 8:30 a.m., Russell Bowers of Daybreak on CBC Radio talks to Trent McClellan and me about some fond memories of comedian and friend, Jocko Alston, who passed away suddenly on December 21, 2010. A fundraiser for Jocko’s family – Going to Heaven Sunday – is being held on Sunday, January 16 at 8:00 p.m. at … Read More


Hi beauties! Believe it or not, I would be running back to Saskatoon if I wasn’t soaking up the hubby and kids really hard right now after being away. Why? Well, the whole Saskatchewan casino run was a beaut! Yeah, the roads were bad here and there, but the venues and hotels were grand! And everything is even sparklier when … Read More


Tomorrow, Jan. 5, three comediennes will converge in Regina, Saskatchewan and proceed to gig at four different venues on four nights. We are: Allyson Smith (www.asmithcomedy.com), Karen O’Keefe (www.karenokeefe.net) and me! I’m fairly sure this is the first time I will be on the road with two other skirts, and I’m excited. Yes, it will be as glamorous as the … Read More

* W H O A ! *

I’m pumping in the Cold FX so I can be perky and un-snotty for New Year’s Eve in Cold Lake with Marcus Beaubier. In other news, ever since the full moon/Solstice/eclipse, negative and slightly off-balance people and events have been surrounding me. Odd. Must be a reminder to focus on the positive people, and man, oh man, am I happy … Read More

* J O C K O *

My friend, Jocko Alston, died suddenly three days ago from a heart attack. He was 44. He was a father, a gentleman, a comedian and a kind, positive man. Earlier this year, Jocko needed a lift to Calgary from Edmonton and posted the request on Facebook. Good luck! Karen O’Keefe and I were gigging in Stony Plain, so we picked … Read More


Lori Gibbs Rocks Your City! And I didn’t even have to ask them for the marketing campaign! Yay!


December 14: Lethbridge ABDecember 16-18: Calgary Yuk Yuks This afternoon, I’m heading to Lethbridge with my friend, Dan Guiry. The reunion of Meat & Potatoes! If you don’t know why we call ourselves that, it’s mostly a physical reference. It should be an excellent, silly time no matter how the show goes. My last shows before Christmas are this weekend … Read More

* C A Y A Y I N *

When my big bro and I were acting particularly out of control, I remember my Mom would say, “You kids, stop cayayin’ around!”  I just thought of that as I sit in my Edmonton hotel room listening to Jungle Love by The Time. No, there’s no connection. I’m being random, as the kids say. Anyhoo, I just spent an inordinate … Read More