A couple of weeks ago, I did a showcase for the Just For Laughs festival with a delightful and very talented gaggle of Albertan comics. I could tell you about it, or you could sit back and have a look: Hope you had a giggle or a snort. There are a few more videos here: www.youtube.com/lorihasfun.


A couple of weeks ago, I did a showcase for the Just For Laughs festival with a delightful and very talented gaggle of Albertan comics. I could tell you about it, or you could sit back and have a look: Hope you had a giggle or a snort. There are a few more videos here: www.youtube.com/lorihasfun.


Hi lovelies, I’ll be at the Edmonton Yuk Yuks this coming weekend: December 10-12, and at the Calgary Yuk Yuks December 16-18. If you’re in the area, shoot me a message and let me know you’re coming: [email protected]. In addition to jokes, I’ll be pushing Balls to the Wall and Tits to the Bricks shirts on you. Why? To save … Read More


www.elkwaterlakelodge.com This weekend’s accommodations were so beautiful it was akin to winning the road lottery. Every questionable motel I’ve stayed in for the past several years was worth it to get to stay here once. I stayed in the Cypress Hills area of Southeastern Alberta at the magnificent Elkwater Lake Lodge. Elkwater is a tiny town. It took five minutes … Read More


Hi loveheads, It’s corporate season in the World of Comedy. Corporates can be amazing. Even when they’re not, the paycheque heals any residual pain. Outside a corporate last weekend, I was chatting to a man who worked for “the company.” He was asking about doing comedy and if corporates were good gigs. Being Positive Patsy, I said yes, then I … Read More


Last weekend, I drove to Brandon, Manitoba for three lovely nights of gigging. The roads, I could do without. A shwack of a snowstorm hit hard on Wednesday. We were due to leave Thursday morning early to make the 11 hour road trip to Brandon. My husband suggested we get a head start Wednesday night. Did I mention he’s very … Read More

C E L L * H E L L

A Barbie girl in the front row couldn’t ignore her phone. It may have ended up in my bra… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cvWKh_BL2M

* T O R O N T O * L O V E *

Hey lovelies! I have a crashing ear infection and am currently drugged up on Tylenol 3s. What better time to blog, right? Toronto: seriously, more amazing than I could’ve imagined. The best and most touching part was the love. There are many generous, talented, kind and extraordinary people in this world who happen to be comedians. There was one morning … Read More

H O M E * A G A I N

Hi loveheads,I just got home from my Toronto area tour a couple of hours ago and immediately took one of my boys out trick or treating. The trip was amazing and I have honorable intentions of writing masterful masterpieces about it here. Stay tuned to see if it happens. This broad doesn’t normally gig 11 nights in a row! Zzzzzz!Love,Lori

I * K N E W * I T

Intellectually, I knew I’d enjoy Toronto. Now I have the proof. However, I shouldn’t give the city all the credit. It’s the kind friends in it that have made it a joy thus far. I’m one lucky broad. Love,Lori